Which is worst for you a cigar or a cigarette

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is worst for you a cigar or a cigarette”,you can compare them.

The worst type of tobacco is generally cigarette smoking. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-worst-for-you-a-cigar-or-a-cigarette ]
More Answers to “Which is worst for you a cigar or a cigarette
What is worse for your body? cigarettes, or cigars? and why do yo…?
Well suicides have happened that way, but I guess that’s your point! For me I don’t really like either, though I am guilty of having a cigar now and then, but it’s been a couple of years. I guess with the options available I’d choose cigare…
Are cigars worse for you than cigarettes?
yes, cigars have so much freakin smoke. cigarette has only a little While this is true, people tend to smoke one cigar where they would smoke about five cigarettes. It’s less poison in the long run.
Which is worse- cigar or cigarette?
I believe both are equally bad for you, although I believe their effects manifest differently. I lost my mom in March at age 68 to squamous-cell lung cancer, pneumonia, and peripheral arterial disease. (She smoked cigarettes from 1955 [pr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which is worse- cigar or cigarette?
Q: I’ve wondered about this for a long time. No one in my family is a smoker, but my really cool guy cousins like to gather around (sort of a manly bonding time) and smoke cigars on the holidays. They also have a light beer or two. But that’s irrelevant to my question. I have always wondered if cigars or cigarrettes are worse for your body altogether, because my dad said it’d be okay if I got to smoke a cigar this holiday, (they smell really good.) I’m also considering buying a pack when I’m 21, and maybe using one every month or so. I never want it to be a regular, daily habit, but I also don’t want to die from like lung cancer because of a smoke every month or two. Honest, gentle answers, please!
A: I’ll take a cigarette please!
Is smoking without lighting the cigar/cigarette still bad for your health?
Q: Many people think smoking without lighting it isn’t bad for your health. Isn’t it???
A: Well, since “smoking” is the act of inhaling the smoke from the burning cigarette into your lungs, by not lighting the cigarette you are not actually smoking. And because the smoke is the only thing that contains the dangerous chemicals, not lighting a cigarette is not bad for your health. It is just a waste of money if you are going to buy cigarettes and not light them.
How much worse is a cigar than a cigarette?
Q: If it was a standard non inhaled cigar compared to a Benson and Hedges Gold inhaled Cigarette. I don’t smoke, I’m just curious.
A: In terms of the bad qualities of smoking tobacco, it is significantly worse because cigars are wrapped in tobacco leaves so you get more of all the bad stuff. Cigarrettes are wrapped in paper.
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