Who made drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Who made drugs”,you can compare them.

Which drug are you wondering about? Many drugs are from natural materials and have been in use since ancient times. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-made-drugs ]
More Answers to “Who made drugs
Zebeta is made by Duramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The generic version of this medication is made by various manufacturers.
Perphenazine was originally manufactured by Schering-Plough Corporation. Although brand-name perphenazine is no longer being made, generic versions are still available and are made by several different companies.
The diclofenac patch is made by Teikoku Seiyaku Co., Ltd. and is distributed by Alpharma Pharmaceuticals LLC.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how does pharmaceutical companies made drugs ?
Q: How do pharmaceutical companies made drugs or go about looking for cue?Why are all drugs chemicals why not use plants ,trees or herbs .Why is it so hard to come up with a cure ?Keep the reply basic has I know nothing about pharmaceutical companies or biology.
A: I more or less answered this here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnJeSYPNHdWXBkry_znwAcLty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090302120347AAkjKJm&show=7#profile-info-lwZiZE7Gaa Though that’s a great level of detail. The basic steps involve finding the molecular basis of a disease, then finding a compound that alters that chemistry.For example, when dealing with high blood pressure, there is a receptor in the body, that when active causes your blood pressure to go up. To stop this, a chemical compound that blocks this receptor is used. Since the receptor cannot be turned on, a person’s blood pressure will not go up.Very simplistic, but that’s at the basis of it.There’s several ways to find a compound. If you have a lot of very advanced chemistry, and time, you can look at the molecular system and try to build a chemical from the ground up that changes it. Another way to do it, is to take a cell, grow them in a lot of small dishes, and try a very large number of random chemicals to see if one alters it.As for why not use plants, a lot of drugs initially came from those, but screening those compounds is expensive and time consuming. They’re hard to get out of plants in a pure solution. Also, these don’t have just one substance in them, they have hundreds. Thousands, more sometimes. If you wanted to make drug that lowered blood pressure, would it do you any good to use a plant that also had chemicals that increased blood pressure? A lot of the substances do nothing, a lot of them have problems. A lot of them people just flat out don’t know about – there’s only so many people out there testing them, and it’s -very- expensive to test.Sometimes, there’s not enough of a chemical in a plant. A good example is a cancer drug called Taxol. It comes from a tree called the Pacific Yew. But there’s so little in there, that to gather enough to test it in humans they would’ve needed to cut down about fifty thousand trees. That obviously wouldn’t work.Oh, and natural news is an -incredibly- loony site. And subject to a corollary of Scopie’s Law.
How do I find out who made a webpage for a certain topic? My topic is performance enhancing drugs in sports.?
Q: I need to find out who made the web page,if there where any more cites related to my web site that I used and how old it is.
A: What was the web site? If we knew that we could help you. Otherwise, you’re just going to have to poke around on the web site. Look for a Contact Us link or a About Us page. Look for the name of the Webmaster, who you can contact and ask this question. Without knowing what web site you’re referring to, there’s not much I can tell you except to click everywhere. Good luck!
how are drugs made so that they do not react with other parts of the body besides their target?
Q: how are drugs made so that they do not react with other parts of the body besides their target? For instance, how does a drug targeting cells of the brain not react with the mouth, throat, or stomach?
A: They do interact with other parts of the body. The next time you watch a medicine commercial on TV, listen to the quiet and fast mumbling about all the horrible side effects of the product..
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