Why is crystal meth illegal

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is crystal meth illegal”,you can compare them.

Crystal meth is illegal because it is power, very addictive, and can lead to severe physiological and psychological dependence. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-crystal-meth-illegal ]
More Answers to “Why is crystal meth illegal
Why is Crystal Meth illegal?
It kills people! It is very addicting and extremely dangerous. I saw a girl die my senior year of high school because of it. We worked together and she just collapsed, she died in the hospital an hour later of overdose. Does that answer y…
Is Crystal Meth Illegal?
Yes, crystal methamphetamine is illegal. Crystal methamphetamine is a Schedule II substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule II drugs, which include cocaine and PCP, have a high potential for abuse. Abuse of these drugs may lea…
How do you test for crystal meth?
You can do so easily with an at-home drug test kit. They can be purchased at mostly any drug store.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is Crystal Meth illegal?
Q: dangerous!or does it come in handy?Let me know what you think.
A: It kills people!It is very addicting and extremely dangerous.I saw a girl die my senior year of high school because of it.We worked together and she just collapsed, she died in the hospital an hour later of overdose. Does that answer your question?
A: Crystal meth is a form, a crystalized form of methamphetamine. It is a longer process that provide a higher high. Very different in looks. Crystal is clear, some times yellowish, and looks like little shards of “ice”, which is another name for it. The process to create meth, any type, is very dangerous. Meth is very harsh on your brain and health, that is why it is illegal. It is basically poison, and it is highly addictive, more so than crack cocaine.
After all the knowledge of how dangerous and harmful it is WHY do people still try crystal meth?
Q: Though still stupid you can somewhat forgive the 60’s generation for all drugs they did because the information they had was vague and limited but todays generation has no excuse. It’s a well known, publically advertised fact how harmful and dangerous crystal meth, crack, cocaine and other illegal narcotic drugs are. Still we have a problem.
A: With meth, most people start it because they are able to stay up for days and get huge amounts of things done or party. They think they can control the addiction. Also for men supposedly it is like viagra x 1000. I think those are the biggest two reasons why people start.
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