Why Is smoking weed on 420 a big deal

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why Is smoking weed on 420 a big deal”,you can compare them.

Many varying theories on the origin of 420. The most popular is that a group of guys in the 1970’s made 4:20 their meeting time [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-smoking-weed-on-420-a-big-deal ]
More Answers to “Why Is smoking weed on 420 a big deal
Why do parents make smoking weed a big deal?
wow i hate when losers always post comments like the prick who answered first. Smoking weed is not that bad. Im 16 and have smoked for 3 years. Nothing bad has ever happened to me when ive smoked. they just make it a big deal cause they thi…
Why do people make it a big deal when some one gets caught smokin…?
Big problem in the U.S.A. right now there are things that are ILLEGAL but if somebody famous does it, they get off like its a parking citation when in the case of John J. Gettodweller, they throw the book at U! Smoking weed is ILLEGAL and t…
Why is Michael Phelps smoking weed a big deal when the president …?
Hes the messiah to the left so they can overlook anything
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