Why is snorting bad for you

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is snorting bad for you”,you can compare them.

Snorting something is a way of getting it directly into the bloodstream, and can be very dangerous. Effects vary by pill. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-snorting-bad-for-you ]
More Answers to “Why is snorting bad for you
How bad is snorting cocaine for your heart
The use of cocaine can cause an increased heart rate, which isn’t good. Thanks for using ChaCha!
How bad is snorting adderall?
This medication is to treat ADHD. It helps them to focus because of the hyper activity disorder. If people don’t have this, it will do the opposite and cause a “normal” person to have high amounts of energy. I know you don’t want …
Is snorting sugar bad for your health?
Sugar will not cause a harm right away, however you should be careful as they say in other answers here, you might hurt your nose.. obviously you already did it, so let it be at that. The whole diabetes thing from it, is false, to get diabe…

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Q: if i am correct, your sinuses are connected to your throat. soo if you snort something, it is going to the same place, right? i have asked this question before to my friends and family. no one seems to have an answer. can anyone answer this?i am not snorting them, for everyones info.=] i never will.im curious.only curious…
A: Pills can get stuck in your sinus cavity…duh!Actually, even snuffing them can irrate your sinus lining. Swallowing pills enter through the blood stream and assist you with more than just your ailment. Pain affects your whole body, not just your nose.
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Q: Is snorting 1 perscribed Vikodin bad for my health?i just had surgery, isn’t it the same as swallowing it, except it kicks in faster?
A: it’s can damage mucus membranes and cause your nose to bleed, but trying it once won’t hurthave fun!!!
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Q: Snorting from your nose.Such as, how does your body reacts to the sugar?it was pixie sticks btw.
A: wtf thanks for 2 points
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