Why is weed illegal and when did it become illegal

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Law .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is weed illegal and when did it become illegal”,you can compare them.

Marijuana was considered an illegal substance in 1961. The reasons why are debatable. Most say it was a race issue. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-weed-illegal-and-when-did-it-become-illegal ]
More Answers to “Why is weed illegal and when did it become illegal
Why is weed illegal and when did it become illegal?
Marijuana, and most other ‘illegal’ drugs, became illegal during the same temperance push that gave us Prohibition. Unlike Prohibition (alcohol), which was done with an amendment to the Constitution, the banning of drugs was done in Congres…
Is it illegal to grow weed seeds and sell them before they start …?
possession of seed, plant, buds, etc. are illegal in most US states and most countries… unless you happen to live in Amsterdam or have a mml.

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Why is weed illegal and when did it become illegal?
Q: I look up to see how many people had died from smoking weed and it said none!! So how come drinking and smoking cigs. are legal and weed is not.. ?
A: Marijuana, and most other ‘illegal’ drugs, became illegal during the same temperance push that gave us Prohibition. Unlike Prohibition (alcohol), which was done with an amendment to the Constitution, the banning of drugs was done in Congress, with laws. Prohibition enforcement became the purview of the ATF, an agency that already existed. Drug enforcement became the purview of entirely new agencies, such as the DEA.Why is it still illegal? Good question. There are all sorts of very good reasons to make it legal, and none to keep it as a crime.Legalizing (or decriminalizing) marijuana and other drugs would:Empty our overcrowded prisonsFree up the judicial systemAllow law enforcement to focus on serious crimeRemove the profit motive that has the current drug cartels almost controlling governmentsReduce petty crime, as users would no longer have to commit burglaries and theft to finance their habitFree up money currently used for enforcement and incarceration to use on educating our young peopleAnd…if it’s legal, the government can tax it to hell and back, and it would still be cheaper than it currently is.Who benefits from keeping it illegal?Our prison system, which includes many corporate prisons run on a for-profit basisMany law enforcement agencies, who rely on vehicle and cash confiscations to fund their operationsSeveral Federal and State agencies would be totally defunded and disestablished, which would put thousands of suits out of workWhat makes pot being illegal is even more ironic, when you consider the damage that alcohol and cigarettes do to individual people and to the society at large. And it’s even MORE ironic when you learn that your tax dollars are used to subsidize both of those industries!!
when did weed become illegal in the u.s.?
A: Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty
Why is marijuana illegal?
Q: When and how did weed become illegal? Cigarettes and alcohol kill thousands of more people every year but are socially and legally widely accepted. What is the big deal with bud?
A: The mormons from Utah visited mexico in the 30’s. They brought back hemp, marijuana. Their was a prejudiced against mexicans at the time because some Americans thought they were stealing jobs from Americans during the Great Depression. August 2, 1937 they prohibited it. They hadn’t done any studies, merely stated that it was what made mexicans crazy.People are slowly trying to get it legalized. Only time will tell.
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