Will weed cause brain damage

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Will weed cause brain damage”,you can compare them.

Over time marijuana can cause brain damage along with depression, anxiety, and personality disturbances, etc. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-weed-cause-brain-damage ]
More Answers to “Will weed cause brain damage
Can weed cause permanent brain damage?
Yes, it can. I smoked pot on and off again for years and I feel my brain is slower than it was or could potentially be. I talked to doctors about this too, and they said it does slowly cause permnant brain damage. It mainly makes your react…
How does weed damage the brain?
It doesn’t. Unless your brain is still in the stages of development, in which only excessive use can slightly stunt that growth. Also, there are some studies, although they are not completely confirmed, that state that marijuana can exacerb…
Does my friend have brain damage/ weed caused a seizure on him??
If he is very sensitive to weed then yes, he can get seizures. Don’t leave him there, call an ambulance to get it out of his system, They will give him a counteractive agent to rid his body of it. He won’t have brain damage just a bad hango…
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