5 Most Valuable Autism Support Resources

Are you looking for valuable resources for autism support? Listed here are the top 5 organizations for your information If your child is affected by autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) doesn’t just impact your son or daughter’s life, it greatly impacts your life as a parent or guardian. Support groups and reliable resources are available to assist families in living with the challenging disorder.

The 5 best resources are listed here with links to their pages. Some organizations require a little research if you want a local chapter for support, however, phone numbers and email contacts are provided on this list as well.

5 Most Valuable Resources for Autism Support:

1. Autism Key

Autism Key contains a detailed list of resources that fit the best organization or support group for your situation on the spectrum. Different support services are divided by state and while others are by mission. In addition, a list of foundations, centers, and associations are provided by state.

2. Autism Society of America has lead a number of state and local legislations as advocating for autism. The organization brings awareness and aims to bring appropriate services over the lifespan of individuals on the spectrum. Phone: 301-657-0881 or 1-800-3AUTISM (1.800.328.8476). Local chapter information can be found here.

This organization doesn’t provide direct support, but does guide you in the right direction for treatment and legal services. Click on the chapter link first to find out if there’s a local office you can contact so you have to make an unnecessary amount of phone calls.

3. Autism Speaks has two offices. This one of the most valuable of autism support resources. One office is in New York and other is Los Angeles. It’s quicker to click their local resource link here: [email protected] .

4. Talk Autism is a communication network for organizations to access directories and message boards. It serves a multitude of purposes for families and professionals dealing with children on the spectrum.

5. The National Autism Association responds to urgent needs of the autism community. The site offers local chapters around the country. Call 877-NAA-AUTISM (877-622-2884) for more information.

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