A Michigan Summer

I’m from a small melting pot town named Albion. When surrounding communities hear “Albion” they usually get wandering eyes and grasp their purses tighter, but it’s not as bad as everyone thinks. It’s really a great place to spend your summer and since this was the last summer in Albion I wanted to make sure I made memories, money, and muscle.

God has blessed me enough to be an all-state runner and part of a 3 time state championship track team in my 4 years at school. Running has become a big part of life and all runners must put in a lot of miles in the offseason (summer). In the summer I ran almost every day and two times a day quite often. I would consistently miss out on parties because I was out running or in the weight room. I planned on going to Michigan State University and running for them until about a month ago, I changed my mind to attend Olivet and participate in athletics here instead.

As every college student knows when you attend a university you need money. This is why I worked a summer job at my local grocery store. When the hours weren’t great I would also go and work odd jobs mowing lawns or even washing windows to make a little extra cash on the side. Towards the end of the summer I even worked at my mom’s bridal shop steaming dresses. Embarrassing as the job may have been at least it paid.

My top priority during the summer was having fun believe it or not. Despite working and running I made it a point to spend as much time with my friends as I could and trying new things. My family and I vacationed to Tennessee and Florida over summer break. In Florida we went to Universal Studios and with my two sisters, my nephew, my girlfriend and my parents. On the way back from Florida we stopped in Tennessee where my Mom’s side of the family lives.

Overall I had a great last summer. When I look back on it I don’t regret anything that I did because everything I did was necessary

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