A Special Thanksgiving Dinner Prayer Poem for 2011

Dear Lord,

We thank you for the family gathered together.

We are truly blessed.

We have lots of food and love to share.

We are most thankful for your holy love.

Your angels watching over us everyday.

Faith is given.

And it is received, on this Thanksgiving day.

Over the roasted turkey,

Special smiles are shared.

Jokes and laughter.

Showing how much we have always really cared.

Troubles come and troubles go.

That is a part of life.

Together, we wish all problems away.

Enjoying family treasured delight.

Many generations.

All gathered around this table.

We are so very fortunate.

That they are able.

We do know the meaning.

The real reason.

For this giving.

This sharing season.

It lives in our hearts.

And, in our mind.

We are so grateful.

For precious time.

Lord, bless this table.

Bless this food.

We know that we have it all.

Because of you.

We join hands.

We pray.

Amen and thank you, Jesus.

On this 2011 Thanksgiving day.

Happy Thanksgiving AC, Yahoo, my friends and my loved ones. Bless you.

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