A Tale from the Car Cemetery

Rows and rows of cars, all colors and models. That’s what you’ll find in a car cemetery. Some have been in their final resting ground for so long that weeds grow up through them. Others are relative newcomers to the cemetery.

The car in this photograph was originally a race car owned by Fast Eddie, a local teen notorious for his high-speed tricks. Fast Eddie has always lived for speed, the faster the better. Eddie called his car The Ghost because he drove so fast that nobody could see him coming.

On The Ghost’s last night, Fast Eddie took off with some friends at breakneck speed. They were heading for the beach but never made it there.

As Fast Eddie rounded a corner about a mile from home, a real ghost crossed The Ghost’s path. The resulting crash of spirits sent sparks and flames upward that were seen from miles away.

Now some will say that this story’s not true but they weren’t there that day to watch the sparks and flames. In the flames, you could see the face of the real ghost. Who was the real ghost? Only Fast Eddie knows for sure and he’s sure not talking.

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