Aging and Herbal Remedies

What is aging?

Impact of time on the bodies is aging. Noticeable features as we age are greying of hair, sagging skin, wrinkles, slow response, muscle loss, balance loss and decreased memory power. All these things happen over a period of time as we age. Aging can only be slowed down but cannot be escaped it happens with everyone. It is a misconception that aging starts at birth in fact right from the birth till one acquires the ability to reproduce is in developing phase later the process of aging starts.

Causes of Aging:

Everyone ages differently depending on conditions and factors in which it survives. It the cells that age or make the organs sick. There are many factors that cause our cells to age many of them can also be prevented. Environmental factors, lifestyle, eating habits, etc. all lead to early aging. Let’s have a look at the factors individually.

Environmental factors like pollution, chemicals and toxins the ones which are very hard to avoid, contribute to early aging. The polluted air that we breathe reduces our breathing capacity in fact reduces our age. Lifestyle and eating habits are also the major causes of aging. Lot of damage is also caused by UV radiation and harmful food. Over a time the cells fail to maintain the repairing system of the body. Smoking also fastens the aging process.

Hormonal changes play a vital role in aging throughout our life. Right from childhood, attaining maturity than leading to menopause and all the age related changes.

Signs and Symptoms:

Reduced energy levels Changed sleeping patterns Decreased memory power Skin starts sagging, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, black spots, loss of elasticity. Graying and loss of hair Hearing and vision capacity is reduced Disturbed digestive system Obesity Changed Menstrual cycle

Over a period of time one might develop some more diseases of aging like:

Heart attack Parkinson’s disease Diabetes Cataracts Alzheimer’s disease

Anti-Aging Remedies:

Applying egg whites on skin and under your eyes helps in nourishing and tightening your skin. Egg whites also help reduce Wrinkles. Mixture of contents of Vitamin E capsules, yogurt, honey and lemon juice applied for ten minutes is a natural remedy to tackle your wrinkles. Lots of water can really help in slowing your aging process; it helps in removing all the harmful toxins out of our body. Avocado helps in rejuvenating our skin. Castor oil, lemon, honey also serves the purpose. Regular yoga can help detox your body and can have great effect in maintaining your overall health. Yoga relaxes each and every part of the body thereby slowing your aging process. Common herbs used in anti-aging treatments are Ginseng, Rhodiola Rosea, Ashwagandha, Grapes seed Extract, Jujube fruit. Your diet also determines how your skin ages. So a balanced diet is a key to stay fit and young. Sugars have negative effect on our skin it causes loss of skin elasticity resulting into wrinkles and sagging skin. Include lots of fruits, leafy vegetables and water in your daily diet and avoid fast-food. Acupressure is a new popular treatment to enhance skin’s appearance. It boosts the production of collagen deep within the skin layers. This treatment is available in various spas and aesthetic centers. Nowadays there are many Herbal Anti-aging packs and supplements available in the market. But before using, have professional guidance.

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