Angelina Jolie’s Good Works

Angelina Jolie is looking to expand her charity work with the United Nations once again, specifically with refugees.

The Associated Press quoted Jolie, “Refugees are survivors, they are mothers and daughters and fathers and sons, they are all extraordinary people who have a remarkable story that tells of strength in the face of great loss. They need our help more than ever.”

Many know that Jolie became a goodwill ambassador for The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) after her experience filming “Tomb Raider” in Cambodia, where she viewed first-hand the conditions of refugees. But Jolie’s charity involvements stretch far beyond her work with the U.N.

Are you aware of the other worthy projects the Oscar-winning actress (“Girl, Interrupted”) has been involved in? Here is a short list. She and partner Brad Pitt together have donated millions of dollars to many different charitable organizations over the years.

In 2003 she founded the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which is “dedicated to eradicating extreme rural poverty, protecting natural resources and conserving wildlife” in Cambodia. The Foundation also contributes to other charities, such as Doctors Without Borders. In 2006, she and Pitt founded the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which aids humanitarian causes worldwide.

Jolie also co-chairs the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, part of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), which aims to provide provide educational opportunities to children who might not be able to normally receive them, because of refugee status or some other compromised situation, such as war or a natural disaster.

Jolie has also published online her notes from some of her travels for the UNHCR. They are a fascinating look into her many travels and interactions with people from very different parts of the world: Sudan, Thailand, Jordan, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, and Kosovo.

So the next time you watch the famous beauty in one of her globe-trotting films, such as “Wanted,” “Salt,” or “The Tourist,” remember that when the cameras aren’t rolling and she isn’t chasing after her six children Jolie is keeping very busy, traveling the world, trying to help people.

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