Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine originated in India. Considered to be the oldest form of healthcare there is Ayurvedic Medicine takes a holistic approach to human health. The connection between mind, body and spirit is essential. Harmony between the three equates to robust health. Ayurvedic Medicine seeks to address any imbalances through dietary guidelines, herbal medicine, massage, meditation and exercise.

More than 5,000 years ago the principles of Ayurvedic Medicine were transcribed in Sanskrit. These four sacred texts, called the Vedas, evolved from the oral tradition of Ayurveda handed down through previous generations. The main principle of Ayurveda is that all aspects of a person’s life affect their health and well-being. Vedas touch upon a wide range of topics for this reason. Health and health care techniques are covered. In addition, astrology, spirituality, politics, art and human behavior are also discussed.

The Ayurvedic approach to healthcare is one that specifically tailored to the individual. The belief is that the mind, body, and spirit are all connected. Imbalances in any of this can manifest itself as illness. Ayurveda also teaches that the individual connects to everything around him. He must strive for balance within himself, his surroundings, and the universe as a whole. The individualized approach of Ayurveda stems from the belief that from birth each person has a unique constitution referred to as prakriti. This combination of physical attributes, psychological characteristics and the ups and downs of daily life affects the way an individual functions. The Ayurvedic practitioner seeks to help the patient maintain health through keeping one’s prakriti balanced.

Prakriti is broken into three doshas. Each dosha has qualities associated with it. A person’s constitution will have a unique mix of the doshas one or two will dominate. Vata is the dosha associated with the bodily functions that control motion including breathing and heartbeat. A person dominated by this dosha is quick, alert and restless. When balanced the person is creative and full of life, unbalanced they are fearful and anxious. Pitta dosha relates to with metabolic function; digestion, temperature regulation, and nutrition. A person with balanced Pitta energy exhibits contentment and intelligence. Unbalanced Pitta energy can lead to anger and ulcers. Kapha dosha governs the immune system, healing, and lubrication of the body. It can be thought of as the dosha that holds things together. Individuals with balanced Kapha express love and forgiveness, out of balance Kapha causes insecurity and envy.

In India Ayurvedic medicine is the main healthcare system. In the United States, it has become an excepted alternative or complementary form of medicine. An Ayurvedic practitioner can help the patient restore their normal dosha balance. The practitioner achieves this by asking for the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, diet and living environment. The practitioner will also give the patient a physical exam. From his findings, he will make a customized treatment plan. The goal being to restore balance to the person’s system. This should then alleviate the health concerns that have arisen. The patient can expect to be given lifestyle and diet changes, breathing exercises, mantras to use during meditation, yoga movements, medicinal herb recommendations, and cleansing rituals. These treatments are the most common used by Ayurvedic practitioners always tailored for the individual patient.

Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient form of healing that still has a place in modern society. Yoga and meditation relieve stress. A healthy diet and exercise are right for the body. Many herbal remedies are extremely effective when used properly. Ayurveda draws from all these forms of healing. A person with chronic health issues may benefit from exploring this alternate form of medicine.



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