Banana Sushi Rolls: Living on Food Banks

Yum! Here is a quick snack or dessert. You may use whole wheat or white tortillas. This is a recipe adapted from versions on the Internet. I have many jars of peanut butter from my local food bank, so I’m always on the lookout for recipes that container peanut butter. Knowing the protein content of peanut butter, I’m ensuring my kids get a healthy, quick snack in a moment’s notice.

1 tortilla wrap (whole wheat or white)
1 med. banana
2 tab. peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
2 tsp. chocolate chips (optional)

Lay tortilla flat on work surface. Spread 2 tab. peanut butter so that tortilla is covered. Place banana at one end and roll up. Slice as shown in photo. May add chocolate chips as an additional treat.

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