Best DIY Natural Pore Cleanser Recipes

There are hundreds of natural pore cleansers out there, but if you like DIY projects, or just like knowing exactly what ingredients are in the products you use on your body, especially your face, this is for you. In this article you’ll find fabulous skin care tips and all-natural DIY recipes such as: a pore-reducing mask, an acne mask & toner, and a pore cleansing strip recipe.

Skin Care Tips:

It should go without saying that great skin is more that just cleansing and moisturizing your face properly. Great skin comes from the inside out, and proper exercise and nutrition are a key elements. Take your vitamins, eat lots of veges, fish, and fruit (don’t forget the omega-3’s), and limit fried foods and dairy for optimum health.

Also, getting enough water is crucial; make sure to drink plenty. A great way to remember how much water you should drink every day is to divide your body weight by two, and drink that many ounces per day. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking 75 ounces of water per day. Drinking lots of water literally helps you feel clean from the inside out. And of course, eating right and getting plenty of exercise is always beneficial not only to your skin, but your whole mind, body and spirit as well.

Here are a few great tried and true recipes:

Pore Reducing Cleansing Mask

2 tbl. raw oats ground 1 tbl. honey 1 tbl. plain yogurt 1-2 drops tea tree & rose essential oils

Pore Cleansing Acne Mask & Toner Recipes

Acne mask:

1-2 tbl. clay (white for sensitive, or green for oily) enough distilled water to make a paste 4-5 drops tea tree essential oil

First, steam face to open pores using 2 cups boiling water poured into to a large bowl, with 2 drops tea tree oil added, and create a tent over the bowl of steaming water with a large towel. Be careful not to burn the skin. Once pores are open, make a clay mask with the 1-2 tbl. of clay, distilled water and 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. Let mask dry, and remove with the steam bowl water, then rinse with cool water. Follow with toner. Two to three times a week is best for this type of treatment, but be sure to always use a mild cleanser everyday in the morning and before bed.

Acne toner:

green tea ( 1 bag) 1/2 cup boiling water cucumber (1/4 of a med. cuc. shredded) witch hazel (2 tbl.) apple vinegar (2 tbl.) watermelon juice (2 tbl.) aspirin (2 tablets crushed ) 2-4 drops tea tree, lavender, rose, or lemon essential oil (tea tree is best for breakouts, lavender is calming, rose is nurturing, and lemon is astringent).

Boil one cup water, add green tea bag and 1/4 cup shredded cucumber, steep for 5 minutes. Strain, and stir in remainder of ingredients. Store in the refrigerator. Apply with pure cotton ball. Use this toner after every cleansing treatment.

Pore Cleanser Strip Recipe

1/2 tsp. Knox unflavored gelatin 1 tsp. milk

For times when blackheads, whiteheads and those nasty little bumps show themselves here’s a great (and very inexpensive) substitute for those spendy Biore strips. Mix and warm 1/2 tsp. of unflavored gelatine and 1 tsp. milk in a microwave for about 10 seconds. Apply to problem areas with a large cosmetic brush (and clean it out directly after using to save the bristles). Let dry completely; about 20 minutes, and peel off in strips. Rinse face with warm water, then cool water, and pat dry. Follow with toner and moisturizer.

Many have tried using scotch tape as a Biore type pore strip, or even Elmer’s Glue, which is fine if you want to scrub to remove the glue. But if you have sensitive skin, I wouldn’t recommend using glue. Better would be the natural gelatin and milk recipe.

So, there you have it, three great DIY natural pore cleansing recipes to aid in your beauty regiment. Check some of my other articles for more natural DIY beauty tips, etc.

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