Beyonce and Hubby Jay-Z Have Exciting News

Well, don’t expect Beyonce to be doing any crazy dance routines over the next several months, or to be wearing any tight form fitting outfits. Instead she will be focusing on getting ready for the arrival of her baby. That’s right you read correctly, Beyonce and Jay-Z, are expecting their first child. To find out how they announced this exciting news you can click here. There has been nothing but happy comments for the couple, from friends and of course from the fans.

Beyonce herself seems to be glowing after making the news public on the red carpet. This time, you don’t have to worry about it being a rumor since she announced it herself. Even Jay-Z seems to be bouncing with joy about the baby that is soon to come. So does this mean that Beyonce will be taking a break, from the music scene to focus on her baby? Many fans are wondering, but most feel that if she does take time off to spend with the baby, it would be a well earned break. She has already made statements that seem to indicate she wants to dedicate herself to her children and to her husband.

Of course Beyonce also has so many side projects, so she is sure to still keep herself busy. So will she become the typical housewife? Probably not, but fans are sure that she will be a good one. So how does the rest of the family feel, like her Mom? Well her family has not released any official statement, but I am sure that they are all as happy as can be for the soon to be thirty year old mom. If you still have any doubt you can visit her website where they put the picture of her holding her belly on the red carpet. Clearly she wants to share the news with the world. However one thing we can all count on and that is the fact that they will probably not be putting cameras in the delivery room, like some celebrities. Beyonce and Jay-Z are still very private people, but this is one bit of news she probably knew she could not hide much longer, and what an exciting way to announce it.

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