BIBLE – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Everyone goes through a trying time in their life. Some people refuse to turn to God and others know they can only get through with God. The Bible is the only book that we can turn to and receive instructions for any situation we ever encounter. The name Bible stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. This represents every bit of God’s word and truth we need to get through life. Scripture brings us peace, strength, love, understanding, hope, and faith.

If you are going through something in your life that makes you feel weak you will find scripture that that confirms God will make you strong. The most popular verse about strength is Philippians 4:13 as it’s quoted from the Bible “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I keep this piece of scripture on my desk, refrigerator at home, and in my car. I need a constant reminder that God will get me through anything that makes me feel weak and afraid.

If a couple is experiencing marital problems, scripture tells us where we are failing and how to correct the problems. There are a couple great pieces of scripture that all couples should store in their memory banks and live every day. Ephesians 4:31-32 states “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God is Christ forgave you“. This is a beautiful piece that tells us we should be tenderhearted and forgive our loved one. We shouldn’t hold grudges, store anger, and be bitter towards their actions. We all fall short of the Glory of God every day. If your spouse did something to scorn you, the chances are they were probably scorned by you too. As Proverbs 10:12 says “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins“. Allowing yourself to remain upset with someone only causes hatred to build. Forgiving and loving them will prevent either of you from focusing on sin, but rather on how each of you can Glorify God.

A big part of everyone’s life in today’s world is stress. John 14:27 is sweetly stated as it reads “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid“. This verse brings peace to us when we are stressed in life. We should not carry our burdens. Instead, we should turn them over to God. God will bless us when we become obedient to Him. He wants us to give our troubles over to Him and let go. We are not supposed to handle problems alone. Instead, we should give them to God and allow him to handle them for us. I believe we all fall short by not doing so. We always think we can do it ourselves. In reality, we always make things worse when God’s hands are not in our troubles.

I have experienced many trials in my life from marital to depression to lack of faith and every problem in between. I made things worse when I tried to fix them my way. Once I allowed God to take control of my life, I found that my troubles didn’t have near the impact on how I live. I find myself praying to Him every day and keeping myself in God’s word through the Bible and scripture. I try to live by his scripture and when I do, I have peace, happiness, strength, hope, and love. The Bible has the best stories of any book and it falls under every category. It can be a beautiful romance novel (Songs of Solomon), or an action movie (David and Goliath), followed by a drama story (Life of Moses), and most people would say it definitely has a little horror and fear (Revelations). If you need fed in life, feed yourself with God’s word. Scripture is definitely fuel for the soul.

All Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1990 by Thomas nelson, Inc., Publishers.

Scripture was located from the book God’s Promises & Answers For Your Life originally compiled by Kay Wheeler Kilgore.

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