Big Pharma, Big Problem

Prescription painkillers have been a problem for almost twenty years. Drug companies such as Purdue Pharma releasing drugs into the public such as Oxycontin have cause so many more problems than it has ever fixed.

It seems that “big pharma” is about to release another devastating drug known as Zohydro. Made by – Zogenix of Francisco – and claiming to be up to ten times the strength of its predecessor known as Vicodin, Zohydro will keep people addicted longer and stronger than Vicodin or other hydrocodone tablets.

Most pain pills contain a filler called acetaminophen that causes liver damage and shortens the life span of the addict considerably. Zohydro, not containing the filler will keep the addict refilling prescriptions for a longer period of time.

ABC News reported that Zohydro will also contain pure hydrocodone. This will cause a brand new problem considering hydrocodone has the same properties as heroin. Most people do not realize that our doctors are prescribing synthetic heroin to our family members, but its time to know the truth.

Some states have already took steps to regulate and track prescription medications. The “Casper” system has been effective enough to drive the addicts elsewhere. You can make a difference by writing your congressman or join others in the fight with different activist groups. I hope that all of us will finally make a stand.

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