Blessed Be

Blessed be the innocent

For they bear the light of hope

And offer life renewal

In the presence of evil.

Blessed be those who are poor

For they teach humility

And the dignity of strength

When all else is stripped away.

Blessed be the peacemakers

Who show there’s another path

And who breed the winds of change

To build us a better world.

Blessed be they who humble

Themselves before God and man

For they show us the true road

To a life’s that rewarding.

Blessed be those who show love

Even when faced with hatred;

For they mirror the Savior;

Putting the rest of us to shame.

Blessed be the very young

For they walk in blind faith;

Without any deception

Or the crippling weight of fear.

Blessed be the elderly;

Caretakers of history;

Purveyors of things to come;

Reflections of man’s true soul.

Blessed be all those who come

In the name of truth and light;

Without any agenda

But an everlasting life.






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