Book Offers Facts, Scripture to Uproot Seed Abuse, Identify with ‘Heavenly Gardener’

Empowered to Uproot the Seed of Child Abuse doesn’t chronicle the violent life of a young child once repeatedly abused by a family friend. Neither does the book give pointed strategies for escaping a salacious, destructive life. But what it does offer is most valuable: sound research into the effects and results of abuse from an articulate victim who found healing.

Empowered mixes spiritual revelation, statistics, and personal testimony to shed light on the roots of abuse. Karen Doughty writes in a slow, deliberate pace careful to explain complex psychological and Biblical concepts to help readers understand patterns and signs of abuse.

She is a member of the Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault and an avid volunteer for the Rape Crisis Center where she counsels victims.

Through the use of Scripture, she establishes that “Every plant that my Heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up” (Matthew 15:13)

She says the book is part of the journey to uprooting the seed of abuse and replanting a fruitful life with love, forgiveness, and a “new identity in the Heavenly Gardener.”

What the book lacks in literary suspense is easily overshadowed by the effective delivery of facts (statistically and spiritually) addressing abuse.

This book can easily become on of the tools to break the cycle of sexual child abuse. It is available at BuytheBook.

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