Business Gift Ideas

Business gifts are a marketing tool almost every business employs at some point. So just think about that the next time you are giving out your company t-shirt or cap to an important client or customer. How many of these gifts do you think this client has and how often do they actually get used? People in the business world receive countless gifts that get shoved away somewhere or wost yet, thrown into the trash. You don’t want to spend good money on a gift that gets toss away.

To get the full benefits of giving corporate gifts you might want to stay away from traditional or common items. While the act of giving corporate gifts has not become over-utilized or outdated, certain types of corporate gifts have. When giving out gifts it is important to think about who is getting the gifts. It is a good idea to look into the recipient’s personal life, because in a lot of cases the gift you give ends up in the hands of a spouse, child or another family member. Therefore, gearing your corporate gifts around family oriented items will make sure your gift gets used and not stuffed into a desk drawer. And the client will appreciate you taking time to get to know them. Here are some ideas for family oriented corporate gifts to get you started.

Photo Fridge Magnets Frames –
This very practical gift is inexpensive and provides a nice twist on regular magnets. Clients will more likely bring them home and use them on their refrigerator than regular magnets with your company logo on them. How great would it be to have your gift feature prominently in your clients kitchen.

Cooler Bags –
Tote bags are a great gift and can be use by the whole family. The problem with them is that most families already have an abundance of tote bags lying around. Offering them a cooler bag instead is a nice variation on the tote bag. It can be used on family outings such as picnics, sporting events, BBQs, etc. And they are not as common as regular tote bags.

Gift Certificates –
Gift Certificates are a popular choice when handling out corporate gifts. One reasons is because the recipient is not likely to throw it away. But just don’t give a gift certificate to a store, try to make it seem like a special event. A good idea is to make the certificates something the whole family can use. Such as certificates to the local movie theater or a local family restaurant.

Food Baskets –
Food baskets are also a popular corporate gift and something the recipient is likely to bring home for the family to share. Make sure the basket you give is for more than one person. And if possible, throw in some treats that kids would enjoy.

Plush Toys –
Soft, colorful, plush toys probably do not spring to mind when thinking of corporate gifts. But this is a great way to get your company name into a clients home. Offering them another calendar or pen probably won’t get the job done. But offering a client with children a plush toy; they are more likely to bring it home.

These are just a few ideas of corporate gifts that are family oriented and may get used more regularly than traditional gifts. The key is to choose gifts that members of the clients family can enjoy. Clients will appropriate your effort and your money will not be wasted.

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