Can Cayenne Pepper Treat Clogged Arteries?

Accumulation of plaque along artery walls is referred to as atherosclerosis. Over time, substances such as calcium, fats and cholesterol can build up along the interior walls of arteries, and when this happens your arteries become clogged and blood flow is restricted. While you should always have your doctor oversee treatment for clogged arteries, herbal remedies can help reduce the accumulation of plaque and potentially reduce existing plaque accumulation.

Cayenne pepper is a common ingredient found in food; however, scientific studies have found that this standard ingredient actually has medicinal qualities, which may be able to reduce plaque accumulation. While this may be an appropriate herbal remedy, make sure you discuss the use of cayenne pepper with your physician especially if you’re currently taking medications for clogged arteries.

Cayenne Pepper Compounds:

As with any natural supplement, there are numerous compounds found in cayenne; however, scientists believe that primary medicinal compound found in cayenne is a substance known as capsaicin. This constituent is known to hinder the production and transmission of substance P, which is the primary chemical responsible for transmitting pain signals to your brain. Studies have also found that capsaicin can enhance blood flow throughout circulatory system, and even prevent the development of cancer cells in the male prostate.

Cayenne for Clogged Arteries – Scientific Evidence:

According to preliminary studies, cayenne pepper can indirectly prevent and treat atherosclerosis, or plaque accumulation. According to information published by the “International Journal of Clinical Chemistry” cayenne pepper has shown to significantly reduce overall cholesterol and triglyceride levels in rabbits. By doing so, cayenne has the potential to gradually reduce the plaque built up along artery walls.

Another interesting study published by “Cell Metabolism” found that capsaicin has the potential to reduce hypertension, or high blood pressure, by enhancing the natural production of nitric oxide within your body. Nitric oxide is known to dilate blood vessels, which allows a higher volume of blood to pass through arteries. Although these studies are promising, they have not been proven to be accurate in humans; however, the results are promising.

Cayenne Dosage:

There is no official recommended dosage for cayenne pepper for the treatment of artery plaque; however, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you may consume cayenne capsules. If you are interested in doing so take 30 to 120 mg of cayenne pepper capsules up to three times per day. Discuss the appropriate dosage, and potential side effects, with your physician.

References Used:

The New York Times Health Guide: Atherosclerosis–000230.htm

University of Maryland Medical Center: Cayenne

International Journal of Clinical Chemistry: Red Pepper Attenuates Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Activity and Atherosclerosis…

Cell Metabolism: Activation of TRPV1 by Dietary Capsaicin…

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