Casey Anthony Ordered to Return to Orlando

Casey Anthony, who has recently been dubbed “America’s Most Hated Person”, according to, has been ordered to return to Orlando, Florida no later than August 26,2010. Judge Belvin Perry has ordered Anthony to serve one year of probation on charges of writing fraudulent checks.

Anthony’s legal team had argued that it was “too dangerous” for Casey Anthony to return to Florida, but apparently, they weren’t convincing enough. Anthony has reportedly been hiding out somewhere in Ohio after her acquittal of murder charges on July 5, 2010.

Many people, self included, still believe Anthony was responsible for the death of her beautiful toddler daughter Caylee. A memorial was held this past Wednesday in honor of what would have been little Caylee’s sixth birthday. Casey Anthony was not in attendance at the ceremony, although her parents (Caylee’s grandparents) were.

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