Is LT is Leaving NY on a Jet Plane?

COMMENTARY | Rumor has it LaDanian Tomlinson could be just off the Jets and back in his home state of Texas before Super Bowl XLVI commences in Indianapolis on Feb. 5.

OK, maybe not that quick … and maybe he’s not ready to hang up the pads and settle in just yet.

Lest anyone out there think LT has nothing left, let’s not be so quick to assume it’s easy to substitute down-home cooking and fishing where team meals and training once stood. LT’s a competitor, a solid team guy, and could offer intangible veteran leadership qualities to the right team.

Beyond all that though, can he still play at a high level on Sundays?

From this know nothing, never played a down of football post high school, smaller than meaningless point of view, the answer is undoubtedly assuredly most definitely YES.

Of course there remain the formalities associated with bringing a possible Hall of Fame career as one of the NFL’s most prolific running backs of the past decade or so to an end. Things like saying goodbyes to teammates and Jets staff, picking up the last paycheck, and securing reliable transportation to the one of the NYC metropolitan area’s airports.

Teterboro is the best guess so far; let’s get the Jersey fans out there identifying some tail fin call signs to see if Spanos’ bird is ready to kick the tires and light the fires!

Rumor mill aside, LT has already tipped his hat with regards to ending his backfield tenure with the NY Jets.

Was Santonio’s in-huddle outburst the final straw in LT’s decision?

In a recent article on, Tomlinson was quoted – from an interview with a San Diego AM radio station – as saying;

“I am contemplating retirement. That’s what I told my coaches and told my agent and everybody.

That’s exactly what it is. This is the first time in my playing career that I’ve actually honestly thought … this may be it for me.

That’s kinda where I am right now.”

So has anything changed since the abovementioned interview or are we just adding fodder to the ever present rumor mill?

How do the San Diego fans out there feel about LT’s answer to the question of whether or not SD could be a possibility after NY…

“Yeah. Absolutely would consider it. I would consider all teams. I’m gonna listen to it and talk to the family about it. That doesn’t mean I would take that offer but I would consider it.”

How say you, if LT will be leaving New York on a Jet plane is Canton the next stop?

Or has San Diego already been working the backchannels to lock down a tentative agreement for next year?

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