MDA Changes Explained

Jerry Lewis is out.
Jerry Lewis is back in.
No, he’s not.
The roller coaster ride since the announcement that Jerry Lewis would not return as host of the upcoming MDA telethon continues and has now bottomed out.
At least for now.
The Hollywood Reporter noted today (Aug. 22) that he will not be coming back to make a final appearance. It was rumored that he may come back to sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”
Meanwhile, this leaves a few question that required some digging from the MDA web site and others.
Question include, “what about Tony Orlando and the show”? or “what would the show actually be now as for duration and acts”?
First, after searching Orlando’s site for his tour dates, no where is the MDA Telethon listed. Now, he was a huge part of the show and is a great friend with Lewis, so he’s out, too. Now, comes word that Ace Young will host the New York version, so says this release.
Second, according to MDA at www. mda .org the show will be cut from the whopping 21 1/2 hours to six hours in prime time coverage, Sunday, Sept. 4.
As the show’s style is being released and discussed, it is also becoming more clear as to the reason Lewis is out. However, less clear is why he is no longer MDA national chairperson, but that is for another day. MDA has said this as to the new format. “The shorter show, which is expected to draw more viewers in its prime-time slot, will be fast-paced and jam-packed with top-notch entertainment.”
They added, “In addition to the shorter national broadcast, each hour of the local Telethon will feature two local segments of seven and eight minutes each.” They conclude by saying this new format has already included the booking of stars like Lady Antebellum and Martina McBride, and JLo .
Co-hosts are Nancy O’Dell, Nigel Lythgoe , Jann Carl and Alison Sweeney.
One cannot forget about the Love Networks, who are a vital part of the telethon. There are 160 of networks across the country who take part in the telecast. These will continue, the site says. It will also be seen live on mda .org. It was also noted in the Hollywood Reporter that Lewis was at a broadcaster’s even Saturday night and made no mention of MDA .
Source: www. mda .org

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