Meet Lashauwn Beyond from RuPaul’s Drag Race 4

Abby: I see that you were born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Where do you live now?

Lashauwn: I still reside in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Abby: Lashauwn you are in great shape. How do you stay that way?

Lashauwn: Dancing around in high heels with 2 ft high hair can be a workout!

Abby: How tall are the tallest pair of heels you have ever worn?

Lashauwn: I won’t go over 6 inches because I’m already 6 feet tall so with a heel any higher I’ll look like I’m walking on stilts.

Abby: Do you ever get stage fright?

Lashauwn: Stage fright comes and goes for me. I put so much into every performance and the thought of entertaining the crowd and making sure everyone is pleased can turn you into a nervous wreck. When the spotlight comes on, Lashauwn is introduced to the crowd and the curtain opens, all the stage fright goes out the window and its show time! No turning back!

: How does your family feel about you doing drag?

Lashauwn: My family loves the fact that I do drag. I could be doing anything else like selling drugs, fraud or prostitution but instead I’m doing something positive with my life and my time. Drag is a form of expression for me. It allows me to showcase my creativity and there is always something new to learn.

Abby: What was your funniest experience buying women’s clothes or shoes?

Lashauwn: Every time I go to a women’s clothing or shoe store I get a lot of stares. The most awkward sight is to see a 6 foot tall and handsome black male with a body full of tattoos trying on a pair of 5 inch high pumps. It used to bother me at first and make me feel uncomfortable but now I’m able to just laugh at it.

Abby: Who has been your biggest drag inspiration and why?

Lashauwn: My biggest drag inspiration has to most definitely be Lady Gaga! She takes chances! She does what she wants to do! And it motivates me to do the same.

Abby: What celebrity would you like to see in drag?

Lashauwn: I would pay all of my money to see Santino Rice in drag! I’m sure he would have on the gown to die for!

Abby: I think that I would like to see Santino in drag too and have the queens critique his outfit. Maybe next season that will happen. What was your favorite moment from any of the previous seasons of RPDR?

Lashauwn: I loved every runway challenge from the previous seasons because I’m a girl of crazy fashions! I enjoyed watching people’s different aspects on fashion. To see peoples different ideas and personalities show through in what they were wearing!

Abby: Who did you want to win RPDR from season 1, 2 and 3?

Lashauwn: From season 1- Nina Flowers. From season 2- Raven. From season 3 Yara Sofia. They were my favorites. They stood out to me.

Abby: What is your greatest asset?

Lashauwn: My greatest asset is my age. True enough, to many I’m still a baby. But I’m learning so much and doing so much for me to be so young. I’m working hard now so that when I’m old and wrinkled I can just relax, enjoy life and drive around in my Swarovski encrusted wheelchair.

Abby: Do you have any hobbies?

Lashauwn: I love to create costumes, perform and travel.

Abby: What is RuPaul’s Drag Race like?

Lashauwn: RuPaul’s Drag Race is like The Epitome of Drag!

Abby: Where can your fans see you perform live?

Lashauwn: On Thursday’s or Friday’s at The Palace on South Beach in Miami at 6pm

Abby: Lashauwn Beyond, we are looking forward to seeing how you do or did on RuPaul’s Drag Race. I can’t wait to see whether your age is an asset against some of the senior girls. Good Luck Lashauwn!

All photos are used with permission of Logo TV.
Photo Credit: Mathu Andersen

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