Muammar Gaddafi Reportedly Killed

According to breaking news at msnbc, reports coming out of Libya are saying that former ruler Muammar Gaddafi has been killed outside his hometown of Sirte. The United States Pentagon is not sure that these reports are true, but are saying that it looks like the reports are very credible.

Gaddafi is one of the longest ruling non-royal leaders in history. His 42 years of reign as the leader of Libya has made him the 4th longest ruler beginning his reign in 1969 and staying in power until earlier this year when his government was overthrown by NATO-backed rebel forces.

Earlier this year, Gaddafi along with his brother-in-law and son were being hunted by law enforcement after the International Criminal Court issued warrants for them for crimes against humanity. Interpol also issued a warrant for Gaddafi in 2011 for the same crime. Also, the United Kingdom has claimed that Gaddafi had links with the Irish Republic Army.

There is a picture being circulated online that is very graphic of a man who appears to be Gaddafi who is dead. The proof seems overwhelming that he has been killed. Reports are that he was killed by rebel forces. It will be interesting to see exactly how he was killed and by who and how this will change the way that Libya is ruled.

According to reports, another controversial leader has been killed. He joins the ranks of Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden as rulers who have long controlled their country and who now are no longer alive to rule those countries.


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