My Conversion

When I was younger, my father use to tell me about God, creation and things our eyes cannot see. He did well to tell me about Jesus Christ and his coming to this world to save humanity. He also did well to encourage me to go to church; however, I never saw the need. For him to convince me to go to church, he has to talk and talk. my personal reason for not yielding was because, all my friends at that time were Muslims.

Along the line, in 1990, I decided to become a Christian when we moved from that town. The very day I got converted, I had a dream of a man in white robe giving me water to drink. The truth is, I have travelled a lot in my life, but have never tasted such a wonderful and good water to date. For me, this water is the water of salvation that Christ gives to all who come to Him .

I made great progress in my Christian journey, but it short-lived because of difficulties in my life in those years. Those difficulties made me to go into a quest to find out more about spiritual things. In fact, I read lots of horrible books that teach about the unknown and practised lots of things time will not permit me to write about. However, I did not find joy or peace-things became worse.

In 2009, I decided to do away with all the books and rededicate my life to Jesus. I gave up all the non-Christian practises, threw away the books that lead me into the practises and all things pertaining my practises at that time and started going to church.

The moment, I did this; I saw great open doors in my life, including scholarship to study abroad. In fact, when I saw this, I made a commitment to serve God through Jesus Christ to the end. God also knowing my faithfulness lead me to someone who took me into a church where I will grow.

Today, when I look back, I can see that my decision has paid me goodly. My dirty anger and lack of confidence have been dealt with by Christ. Besides, I have obtained the gift of wisdom and have been a blessing to many people. Thank God that am saved. Thanks to Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit. For me it is the Grace of God that brought me home after going all that far.

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