My Love for Thee is Aught that Holds Me Here

My love for thee is aught that holds me here,
Else I should fly to Heaven’s shore straitway;
Thou art my world and all I counteth dear.

Without a backward glance or future fear,
I’d rise and sing to greet Eternal Day;
My love for thee is aught that holds me here.

Though precious little present giveth cheer,
This comfort have I long as I must stay;
Thou art my world and all I counteth dear.

When sweetly angel’s songs fall on mine ear,
And beckon me come home, God’s child to play;
My love for thee is aught that holds me here.

If longing heart should cause these eyes to tear,
Thou must believeth loving lips that say;
Thou art my world and all I counteth dear.

But if doing thus would make thy soul’s path clear:
This soul with willing zeal in Hell woulds’t lay.
My love for thee is aught that holds me here;
Thou art my world and all I counteth dear!

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