My Test Drive of a New Chevrolet Malibu

I had the pleasure and task of buying a new car this spring. I knew I wanted another Chevrolet. They all have a nice ride and the brakes are smooth. I had looked online at Chevrolet and had decided I wanted an Impala. The sales rep I had an appointment with knew I wanted a six-cylinder car.

I arrived at the Chevrolet lot, ready to test-drive and possibly buy a new car. I walked in the main entrance, which was surrounded with Chevrolet Malibu’s, outside and inside of the showroom. The sales rep connected with me. He led into the back of the showroom and outside where the Impalas were parked.

When I looked at an Impala close up, I knew the car was too big for me, and said so. The sales rep agreed with me and then explained that a four-cylinder engine was the best choice for me. He explained that cars were different now than my 15 year old Chevrolet. He said the new four-cylinder engines had almost the same power as the old six-cylinder. I then was open to looking at four-cylinder cars.

At that point he brought me back to the front of the showroom and let me look at the Malibu’s. They didn’t look as big as the Impalas, but they still looked intimidating. I decided to test drive one. I had decided I wanted a silver car this time. I picked out a beautiful dark gray car that looked like it had black diamonds all over the outside of it. The color of the car was called taupe. The inside was black.

I climbed in and the sales rep helped me adjust the driver’s seat. There were so many adjustments to make! When adjusted, the seat was a perfect fit, I was pleased.

When I turned the key the car came alive. So many glowing colors, so many buttons and knobs. The sales rep climbed in beside me in the passenger seat and pointed out some of the features of the car, which were numerous.

There were many free services that came with the car, there was free radio service with an extensive selection of channels to enjoy. There was Onstar service, free for six months, an excellent safety feature.

There were buttons on the steering wheel as well. I knew this would be a car I would really need the handbook to study all of the features. The car had more than the electric windows I wanted!

I pulled out of the car lot and was surprised how easy the car was to drive. Driving the Chevrolet Malibu was effortless. The ride was smooth and gliding. Steering was easy and mindless. I felt like I had been driving this car for years and was completely comfortable in it.

I did have some trouble adjusting to the large side mirrors. I felt like I could not see out the sides of the vehicle. This bothered me, but I knew it was just an adjustment. I drove around the block and then returned to the lot.

Next I saw a Malibu parked on top of the steps, it was silver. I wanted to test drive it. So they bumped the cars in front of it down the steps and freed the sliver Malibu. I drove it from the lot. I just didn’t like this one as well. I didn’t know why, it just didn’t feel as comfortable and familiar as the gray one did.

I wanted to test drive the taupe gray Malibu again. I even took it on the freeway to see how it drove at a faster mileage. I liked the dial that displayed how many revolutions the engine was making. This could help conserve gasoline. I noticed that when the car reached a steady speed, the revolutions went down while the car continued to drive at the faster speed. The car seemed to stay at an even speed with hardly any pressure on the gas pedal, nice.

I noticed that the big side mirrors allowed me to see everything behind the car when coupled with the rear-view mirror. By this time I was feeling like this car was my car. I drove back to the car lot and was ready to make a deal.

I enjoyed test driving the Chevrolet Malibu. I enjoy driving it even more now that it is my new car!

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