My Winter Survival Guide for Parenting

As a mother of three my family and I have developed a few habits through the winter that help reduce boredom, keep us healthy and balance a hectic holiday schedule. A lot of the things on my list are things I plan for weeks ahead of schedule. Still some have to do with attending events at the last minute. Still others have to do with the addition of foods to the regular grocery list. All help us get through a cold Indiana winter each year.

How to Avoid Boredom

With the dropping temperatures kids tend to stay indoors much more often than in those spring and summer months. It can sometimes be hard to keep from hearing that annoying phrase, “I’m bored.” from kids who miss shooting hoops and riding their bikes. It can get pretty rough after the first couple of weeks. This is why I would not be able to survive without board games and a motion operated gaming system.

At Christmas time it is almost always guaranteed that Santa will leave at least 2 new board games and 2 new video games for either the XBox 360 or Wii. I have always loved video games and now the kids play, but in ways I never could as a child. When the whole family gets in on a round of Wii Sports it can be one of the funniest times of the week.

I always loved board games too. Anything with trivia was always a favorite so we love Trivial Pursuit and the Scene It series of games. The kids will pick out games I never really enjoyed as a kid but really enjoy playing with my own youngsters such as Monopoly or Sorry. The classics are always included in the gifts.

Keeping Healthy Through the Winter

In the summer I always encourage water as a drink but when the temperature drops I stock up on juices. Anything the kids like works but I always have orange juice, apple and grape juice handy. This is also the time of year I keep pineapple on hand. Its only around my house in winter so the kids will eat it because of the novelty. By adding more fruit and adding stews to much of the winter menu I hope to boost my kid’s vitamin intake as and in turn boost their system to fight off illness.

Although all three of the children have set bedtimes, at this time of year if they seem a little droopy I encourage an early bedtime. An extra hour of rest also helps to strengthen the body’s natural immunities. The extra sleep and plenty of covers for the bed are also bedtime must-haves. Nights get very cold here in Indiana so we have a stock of extra blankets that are used from December to March every year.

Organizing Your Schedule of Holiday Get Togethers

I always joke that my kids get a total of at least 4 Christmases a year. Between great grandparents, grandparents and our own family Christmas it can get rather hectic. The only way to survive driving all over town and allowing for all of the family is careful planning and some flexibility. By finding out what time gatherings are happening and for how long you should able to see all of the family that lives locally, even if it’s just for a few hours on Christmas eve.

Probably the best thing to remember when there are several gatherings over a short amount of time is to go into the planning with the acceptance that you may not be able to get everywhere at the date and time family wishes. Trying to fit your life into everyone’s set schedule isn’t always possible. Instead of driving all over town in one day, try spreading out your holiday over your children’s Christmas vacation and take advantage of the weekends. Remember, your family simply wants to see you. Visiting a few days before or even after the main holidays might be an acceptable alternative which could just save your sanity.

I’m not sure what I would do without planning for the winter months. I have learned how to make those cold weeks entertaining and avoid hectic schedules by being flexible. Having alternative transportation if the ice builds up and always communicating with family when it comes to holiday obligations also comes in handy. That and a serving of pineapple helps me survive winter generally unscathed.

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