“Neon Dragon”

Neon Dragon

John F. Dobbyn

Oceanview Publishing

Ipswich, Massachusetts


978-1-933515-93-9, $15.00, 2007

Have you ever read a book that absolutely floored you because the eloquence and complexity reflected a much more experienced writer yet it was the author’s first published work? If not, simply pick up a copy of John F. Dobbyn’s “Neon Dragon” and be prepared to be completely blown away. With a sophisticated style that rivals the big names in fiction, Dobbyn will easily become a new favorite among Grisham fans. “Neon Dragon” is just that good.

Protagonist Michael Knight has gone from a ‘nobody associate’ to the co-counsel in Boston’s biggest case of the year in no time flat. While still reeling from this unexpected shift, he must defend a judge’s son with all of the evidence pointing at ‘guilty’ while chasing the elusive ghosts from his lead counsel’s past. Compound that with a shark of a DA who can already smell the blood in the water, Michael’s job is far from easy. Even if he can survive the legal warfare, he knows he may not be as lucky with the deadly Chinese underworld of organized crime…and the defense investigation is headed straight down to its very core.

Dobbyn combines his brilliant creativity with his superior language skills in weaving his plot and subplots together for a seamless finish. Each of his characters is well developed and has a real sense about them. Dobbyn’s own extensive knowledge and background in field of law further contribute to the believability of his story and its characters. “Neon Dragon” sinks its teeth in from page one, hangs on tight, and doesn’t let go until the very end. Better watch out, John Grisham!

Since the release of “Neon Dragon”, John F. Dobbyn has released a second novel featuring his lawyer Michael Knight and titled, “Frame Up”. His sophomore work maintains the same level of sharp smarts and suspense as his debut novel, showing that he’s no ‘one hit wonder’ but a professional writer with an exceptionally promising and long term career ahead of him. Readers of “Neon Dragon” will quickly devour “Frame Up” and still be begging for more. Best debut novel I’ve ever read!

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