New Year’s Makeover for a New Mom

After having a baby this year, fashion was the last thing on my mind whenever I was getting dressed. Usually comfort and ease were the leading reasons why I picked the clothes I wore. However after a year of letting comfort be my guide, I’m ready to get some more fashion into my life! For 2012 I have a new attitude about fashion. Every day I pick out cute outfits for my daughter so she can look fashionable, so why not do the same for myself? I want to be a fashionable mom, and these 5 goals should get me started.

1. Cut Back on Headbands
Headbands are the easiest hairstyle and it’s been my main option for years. I don’t remember the last time I didn’t wear a headband to work. Granted, I have dozens of them in all different colors, shapes and sizes. For 2012, I want to branch out! I’ll be pulling out my hair clips and other hairstyles to mix it up a bit. Headbands are sure to still be my fall back option, but a different hairstyle a few times a week will help me feel more fashionable.

2. Reach Way in the Back of the closet
This month I have been going through my closet and way in the back I’ve found some nice clothes I haven’t worn in years! A lot of times, I have been washing and wearing the same shirts every few weeks. Many of the shirts shoved in the back of the closet are nice, but need a good ironing. For 2012 I plan to actually iron some of these shirts and start mixing them in to my daily wardrobe options.

3. Wear a skirt, or maybe even a dress!
A lot of my coworkers wear skirts and dresses throughout the month. I love nice skirts and dresses, but usually it’s easier just to throw on a shirt and pants for work. I’m tired of pants! For 2012 I will buy a few new skirts and dresses to add to my wardrobe choices and make a point to wear them at least a few times a month.

4. Don’t forget the Shoes
I have a lot of shoes, I love shoes, but this year it has usually been easier just to slip into my comfortable black wedges and go about my day. For 2012 I need to start making use of the piles of sandals, high heels, and wedges that I have. What is the point of having cute shoes if I never wear them? These shoes will go great with the skirts and dresses I plan to wear as well!

5. Toss out the Old
I have some clothes I have been wearing since high school. They still fit and are still in good shape so I never bothered getting rid of them. However I am starting to realize some of these clothes are just not the style anymore. For 2012 I want to throw out or donate some of these older clothes to make room for new ones. I have plenty of clothes hiding in the back of my closet, so there is no need to continue wearing shirts I’ve worn a million times.

It seems like a lot, but these 5 goals are all very manageable and shouldn’t cost me that much money since I already own a lot of nice clothes – I just haven’t been wearing them! You may not see me on the cover of a fashion magazine after all of this, but I’ll definitely be looking more fashionable on my Facebook page :)

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