Night Sweats and Frozen Toes: Are Your Sheets to Blame?

We’ve all felt the annoying feeling; We get tucked into bed, find our favorite spot and settle in for a good nights sleep, then here it comes… Those dreadful night-sweats or frozen winter-time toes that we just can’t seem resolve. Excluding the fact that these nuisances could be symptoms of a medical condition, have you ever considered that your sheets could be to blame? Many of us think of our comforters and quilts for coolness and warmth but perhaps the answer is to also change your sheets every time a new season comes around.

Cold Weather Sheet Sets
Flannel, Fleece and Jersey-Knit sheet sets are ideal for cozying-up during cold, winter months. These are much thicker materials, plush against your skin and have a heavier weight, allowing them to form to and consume your body in warmth. Depending on your particular choice, it can feel like putting on your favorite T-shirt or snuggling with a cozy throw-blanket. And for our little ones, its like giving them the world’s largest teddy bear to curl-up with.

Warm Weather Sheet sets
Percale, Satin, Sateen and Silk sheet sets are ideal for providing cool, smooth, luxurious sleeping conditions. These materials give your mind the comfort and security of being covered while allowing your body a sense of freedom- to feel bare.

*Cotton can be great for all seasons, depending on its thread-count.
*Satin- Made from silk, nylon or rayon with a shinny, smooth appearance.
*Sateen- Made of cotton with a smooth texture and a mate appearance. (Less expensive)

Sources: , , and personal knowledge.

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