No Need to Compromise Design Quality for SEO Purposes

When the concept of SEO or Search Engine Optimizaton emerged, many site designers found themselves sacrificing the appearance and quality of their site in exchange for keyword stuffing. Their goal was to use as many keywords as possible so that browsing search engines would be able to categorize the site and understand its purpose. The result was the introduction of the keyword spammer which forced search engines to acquire a new approach when it came to reviewing websites.

Although search engine optimization remains an integral facet in the development of a website, search engines are now looking for, not simply a high concentration of keywords, but high quality content and information. In fact, sites that are obviously repeating words over and over again in the hope of being keyword dense might be passed over completely in favor of another site that contains more pertinent and comprehensive information.

Fortunately, these search engine changes have resulted in sites of a better quality. Website designers no longer feel the same pressure to utilize keyword after keyword in every area of the site. Instead, attention can be devoted to valuable content regarding those keywords. Not only are these sites able to become more useful to the user but also more readable as well.

The keyword and the page’s content description can be found on the page’s meta-description, thus giving the designer the ability to provide a title containing the primary keyword. This means that the website designer is only required to use the keyword and descriptive text when needed in the text of the site, making the content flow much more naturally. The positive effect on quality is priceless.

Although text is obviously the focus of a website, white space should not be discredited. Words that are spaced too close to one another can tire the eyes so leaving a certain amount of space will certainly make the page a less daunting and more attractive read. Small graphics can also be used with the HTML image title containing the primary keyword as well. This can be done simply without added clutter.

Forgive the cliche but the focus should always be “quality over quantity”. A few scattered keywords and some descriptive text is sufficient to convey the purpose of the site to the reader as well as to search engines. An uncluttered page will go a long way in encouraging users to view your site and in promoting the success of the page.

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