Note to Christians: Sex is OK. Now Get the Stick Out of Your Ass!

The Christian community is at it again. This time, their beef is with the deodorant brand, Axe. Apparently, in South Africa, Axe, known as Lynx, has gotten the axe due to a certain advertisement that was deemed too un-Christian.

The ad depicts scantily dressed angels falling from heaven as a result of the wonderful fragrance that is Lynx. During the commercial, beautiful angels find this odor source and smash their halos. The tagline, portrayed as a disembodied voice says, “Even angels will fall.”

One angry Christian took this matter to a higher power (not God), the Advertising Standards Authority, stating that God was being portrayed as a mortal that allowed angels to actually believe that this simple human was God because his armpits were too heavenly. The Advertising Standards Authority, like the angels, fell for it, ruling “the problem is not so much that angels are used in the commercial, but rather that the angels are seen to forfeit, or perhaps forgo their heavenly status for mortal desires. This is something that would likely offend Christians in the same manner as it offended the complainant.”

The Axe company has retaliated with a petition via Facebook. Currently, there are approximately 22,500 “likes.”

It seems that Christian nation believes that the ruling authority is itself; as if it has the right to criticize free speech regardless of taste. Taste is actually used very lightly in this case as no one in their right mind would ever believe that actual angels look like Victoria’s Secret models. Had the models been overweight men with uncontrollable hair growth, some other Christian would state that the ads portray the religion negatively because Christians aren’t fat men, but rather children of God.

What this bitter, pissed off Christian, who obviously has nothing better going on in life, is saying is it’s OK to use sex to sell a product so long as sex is not better than God. Use sex in a different light and the Lynx ad is fine; just don’t mess with God because there is no way that God can be similar to a normal human. If the commercial had priests stopping their sermon to seek out this wonderful fragrance, would the Christians be upset?

This would never happen because the reality is priests don’t sell products very well, only propaganda. Sex sells, and that is merely what Axe was trying to do in this case. Is it tasteless? Maybe. But I would argue that God being on Tim Tebow’s side is just as ridiculous as a notion. I would never take this mentality to a governing board saying that there is no way that God could be on Tebow’s side because he is really a Bears fan.

Christians need to accept that their propaganda doesn’t matter to everyone on this earth, but only to themselves. It’s really irritating knowing that a company’s profitability can be affected while church pastors on television can make millions of dollars.

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