Occupy Wall Street and Others as They Enter November

The various “Occupy” movements have had different degrees of success and failure. Their histories, some beginning as long ago as Sept. 17, some beginning as recently as Oct. 1, are similar in some respects, such as initial tolerance by the cities followed by attempts to shut the occupations down, but each has had its own relatively unique problems. What follows is a list of some developments occurring as the movements enter November.

Protesters at Occupy Portland (Ore.) have been handed a lesson in “government” unresponsiveness to constituent desires. Oregon Live reports that despite the fact that in General Assembly meetings the occupiers had repeatedly disapproved the idea of incorporating with the state, a member of the group’s finance committee has filed papers of incorporation as a nonprofit organization. The member says she has done it “to protect these people.” One advantage small and relatively informal groups such as the occupiers have over larger and more formal groups, such as towns and cities, is the ability to move quickly and decisively. Occupy Boston has removed from its finance committee two members accused of “lack of transparency and accountability.” For the second time, Occupy San Diego’s tent city has been dismantled by police. 10News.com reports that “Protesters have vowed to remain in the downtown area until their demands are met or at least sincerely considered. Those demands include ending joblessness, poverty and political corruption.” An unintended consequence of Occupy Wall Street is the layoff of 21 employees from the Milk Street Cafe. The New York Police Department has erected barricades between the occupiers and businesses, and the barricades have caused a substantial reduction in customer traffic and the cafe’s business. The Occupy Richmond encampment at Kanawha Plaza was cleared by police with little resistance. Ten people were arrested for refusing to leave or for returning to the plaza. San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors passed a resolution expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street movement and asking the Mayor and Police Department to “ensure that there will be no unnecessary use of force” in removing Occupy San Francisco demonstrators. Occupy Los Angeles organizers say that due to police violence against Occupy Oakland they will not cooperate if police attempt to remove their City Hall encampment. A convicted sex offender has been arrested for the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl at Occupy Dallas. Occupy Eugene will move to its fifth location on Saturday, this time from the University of Oregon campus to Washington-Jefferson Park. The Reverend Jesse Jackson made a surprise visit to Occupy Chicago today and found in a bin a sign he liked, which he then held while standing curbside.

In some of the less moderate climates, organizers are reaching out for donations of tents, boots, jackets and other items needed to combat the new problems this month will bring in the form of winter’s cold and snow.

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