October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month: Adopt, Save, Celebrate

If you have ever considered getting a puppy or dog to keep you company, October is the month to do it. Most of the shelters and rescues are celebrating Adopt a Shelter Dog Month in some fashion all across the country. Some may have open houses and activities going on while others are offering great discounts on adoption fees.

October May be Shelter Dogs Last Chance

During warm weather and summer months many people visit dog shelters. Some people go to volunteer, or just to look. Yes, people really do browse dog shelters. Those that volunteer at the shelters may end up adopting a dog. The lookers may adopt if they find that certain dog they are looking for.

Also during warm weather the shelters take some of the animals to pet stores like Petsmart or Petco where they will get better exposure. Passersby are more willing to stop and look at shelter pets when the weather is nice. It is harder for the shelters to arrange and set up these events when cold weather sets in.

October is also the last month before the holiday season starts. People will soon be busy preparing for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Few have time to think about adopting a pet during the holiday season and may even choose to wait until spring before looking again. If you have been thinking about getting a dog or puppy, now is the time.

Ways to Help if You Can’t Adopt

You may be an animal lover and would love to adopt a dog but live in an apartment or house that does not allow pets. You can still help a local shelter by offering to volunteer a few hours a week. The dogs are starved for affection so even just spending a few minutes with them and offering a pat on the head will give them the socialization they miss. They need to be fed and walked. The more people that volunteer to help, the more attention each dog gets.

Shelters rely on donations to care for the pets they house. The amount of those donations dwindles during the holiday season as people gear up to spend for Thanksgiving dinners and holiday gifts. If you are able to donate money, food or supplies to a local dog shelter, now is a good time to do it, so the shelter can stock up for the winter months. Ask your local shelter what they need the most. You may even be able to order supplies on line and have it sent to the shelter.

If you are good at organizing fund raisers, offer to hold a fund raiser for the shelter. I once organized a motorcycle event fund raiser for a shelter. Entry to the event was a bag of dog food. We had food and giveaways and then the motorcyclists escorted a truck load of dog food to the shelter and unloaded it. The event caught the attention of the local news because it was so unusual and the shelter got some much needed publicity.

Get creative and get involved with a local shelter during National Adopt a Shelter Dog month. Adopt, volunteer your time, or organize a way to raise money for the animals in your area that need help. What better way to kick off the holiday season then by helping these animals?

More by this writer:

Adopting a Rescued Pet: Be Sure You Can handle Their Rehabilitation Needs
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