Ohio’s Antioch College Reopens as an Independent

No one would expect a college that closed four years ago due to financial difficulties to reopen. In Ohio, Antioch College is doing just that. What’s more amazing about this, is it is happening during a recession where other colleges are looking for ways to cut costs and are raising the costs of tuition.

Reading the story of how Ohio’s Antioch College is reopening as an independent college reminds me of Cowley County Community College’s history. Cowley County Community College in southern Kansas had it’s start much like the reopening of Antioch.

Cowley College was started in the basement of the old high school in Arkansas City by some alumni of the old high school. Since then, they have grown into a fully accredited college just outside of the flint hills of Kansas.

Even though the Antioch college in Ohio was once open in 2008, it had to close due to financial difficulties seen in most colleges. Since then, it is now rising from the ashes thanks to a handful of people like the alum that started Cowley County Community College.

Due to having a later start than most colleges, they now have 35 freshmen enrolled bringing the small college back to life. Thirty-five students may not sound like a lot, but the attention given to those freshmen in classes will have to be the best learning experience compared to larger universities around the world.

It is to be hoped that during the upcoming years, they will be able to expand much like Cowley College has since their opening some 89 years ago. Antioch hopefully can continue to give Ohio residents in the area another choice for a continuing education.

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