One Season of My Plum Tree

March 31
What I thought were leaves
are going to be flowers.
Now I remember.

April 4
Cold and sunny day.
Little balls of lace along
the branches, pure white.

April 5
Branches cascading
into the next yard,
Small Vs of leaves.

April 17
Plum tree now in leaves,
background of pretty
redbud, white dogwood.

May 14
Green fruits now
on the plum tree, some alone,
some in clusters.

June 3
Every year the birds
steal fruit from my plum tree.
What to do, what to do?

June 6
A robin stands watch
under the plum tree, waiting
for ripe fruit.

June 9
“Out of the tree of
life I just picked me a plum.”
A squirrel wrote that.

June 19
A commonplace sight,
plums dangle merrily now,
summer in full swing.

June 24
Plop, plop, the plums drop.
The birds and squirrels eat them;
then summer is done.

July 4
Amid the pale leaves
Suspended in dry branches,
Beautiful lost plums.

July 5
Thunderstorm at night,
Wet fruit glittering and fresh,

July 7
Mooshy gooshy plums,
the squirrels won’t eat you now.
Nor the birds. Nor I.

July 13
The world deeply green,
all week it will rain.
Plums scattered on grass.

July 15
Though they are fading,
it is not too late to make
plum jam for my friend.

July 29
First plum jam attempt.
Consistency of thick glue,
but made with love.

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