Does bench pressing stunt your growth

Does bench pressing stunt your growth

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does bench pressing stunt your growth”,you can compare them.

The answer is no, weightlifting does not stunt height growth, or any other kind of growth.Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does bench pressing stunt your growth
Does Bench Pressing Stunt Your Growth?
I’ve heard steroids will stunt your growth, but never lifting. If you lift incorrectly however, you could do serious damage to your muscles that you will never recover completely from, especially at your age. Don’t overdo it, eat properly, …
Can bench pressing stunt my growth?
Lifting weights will not hinder growth. This is just an unfortunate myth that keeps being repeated. Doctors recommend strength training for youth. It improves athletic performance and helps prevent injury. Various medical websites have arti…
Will bench pressing stunt my growth?
No it wont stunt your growth at all. Benching is completely fine, it can make you bigger, not going to effect your height though. Dont even worry about lifting weights until you get older though maybe in a year or two, thats when your body …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does bench pressing stunt your growth at the age of 13?
Q: I just started working out a lot more often and i just started to do bench pressing. 50 Reps of 50lbs. a day and I’m around 5’3. I heard a rumor if you bench press at a young age it will stunt your growth, is it true?
A: No, it’s not true. Go ahead and work out. It’s perfectly safe so long as u hav a spotter
does bench pressing stunt your growth?
Q: im 14, 5’7, 134 lbs. next year is my freshman year and i want to play football. but i need to bench press to get bigger. im worried if i bench press ill stay short. is this true that benching stunts your growth. my mom says its true, and my dad says it doesnt. if your wondering, i focus more on weight then reps. max 155i dont squat yet but does that stunt your growth?
A: NO.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. To have more satisfaction out of ur food, Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will also activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals. Nothing other than water in between. Take light exercises and brisk walks for 30 min.regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time and hassle free. Be patient and not in a hurry. U cannot choose spots for reduction.This schedule can be adopted on permanent basis to lead a healthy life and maintain weight.
If there is no scientific proof that bench pressing stunts growth, why does my doctor say it does?
Q: If there is no scientific proof that bench pressing stunts growth, why does my doctor say it does? A lot of people on Yahoo Answers also say it doesn’t stunt your growth. But for some reason, my doctor (He seems to be a very intelligent doctor) says it does which I find hard to believe. Does it really? Is he right or wrong?by the way, i’m 16
A: Intense body building for bulk could theoretically stunt growth. As a response to the demand to build muscle and a bone structure strong enough to take the strain the bodies limited resources could limit absolute height/size. Since no one has tested/measured it-the technology does not exist-this doctor is a quack.

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