How can I get stronger legs

How can I get stronger legs

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I get stronger legs”,you can compare them.

Some good exercises to strengthen your legs are squats and leg curls. Running and walking is also great for your leg muscles. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I get stronger legs
・ Eat healthy: If you eat the healthy stuff (Some meat, vegtables, fruits, fish, and whole grains) then… ・ Exercise: The more you exercise, the stronger your legs will become. Try to do exercises that move your… ・ Stretch: Things like y…
Look. I know it’s tough now, but it will get better. I promise. 13 is a horrible age! Lots and lots of changes going on. Kids at that age can be especially mean! Again, it will get better! Maybe never as good as you hope but better. And I g…
You can walk,Jog,or run start out with a nice easy jog then work your way up to a sprint. Try to walk 3 miles a day or Jog 2 miles a day or Sprint 1 mile a day.

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A: Squats are the best to strength train your legs, barbell squats.
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A: It amazes when that coaches will tell an athlete something like this without telling the athlete how to accomplish it. A coach wants someone to build leg strength, then he or she should provide the necessary exercises to make it happen. Anyway, squats, lunges and toe press are the best exercises for building leg strength. Running hills or stairs will also work.
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A: Working out using compound movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges, and the Olympic lifts will give you stronger legs.If you want bigger legs, you will have to gain weight while using those exercises and making sure you steadily increase the amount of weight you lift.You can’t add muscle unless you gain weight, it’s that simple.Good Luck.

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