How do I measure my BMI

How do I measure my BMI

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I measure my BMI”,you can compare them.

To measure BMI, follow these four steps: 1) Multiply weight in pounds by 0.45. 2) Multiply height in inches by 0.0254. 3) Square the answer from step 2. 4) Divide the answer from step 1 by the answer from step 3. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I measure my BMI
How do I measure my BMI?
The easiest way to measure BMI is to use an online calculator. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a BMI calculator available for adults ages 20 and older and one for children and teens ages 2 through 19 years old. Clic…
What is body mass index, or BMI, and what does it measure??
Body mass index uses a person’s height and weight to assess that person’s risk of health problems.
Why does CDC use BMI to measure overweight and obesity??
Calculating BMI is one of the best methods for population assessment of overweight and obesity. Because calculation requires only height and weight, it is inexpensive and easy to use for clinicians and for the general public. The use of BMI…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you measure your BMI?
Q: how do you measure you BMI?what is the number for being underweight and overweight?
A: BMI equals a person’s weight in pounds divided by their height in inches squared, multiplied by 703.There is a link on this page to help you.
Why cant you measure the BMI in children?
Q: Is it because children are not fully grown?? Its really bugging me, I understand why you cant measure pregnant women, but why not children?Please excuse me if it is really obvious.
A: You can, but it’s even more meaningless than it is for adults.It’s ‘contra-indicated’ (not advised) because the growth PATTERN of a child is uneven, and happens in surges. That means a child with the same bodyweight can have a very different BMI just a week or two later.Comparing weight with height (directly, like a height/weight chart, or by fancy calculations like BMI) can tell you very little about the health or fitness of an individual in any case, but during irregular growth spurts it is an even more silly method.
What is the most accurate weight measure besides the bmi, and how is it cakcukated?
Q: I think it is the 1 were it takes muscle and build into account but i cant remember what its called!x
A: There is a Caliper “pinch” test and also a water displacement test. Both tests assess the bodies’ composition of body fat in relation to lean muscle mass

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