How do you get rid of a large butt

How do you get rid of a large butt

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Glute Kickbacks are second and again I want you to engage before you begin. Make sure you keep a mat under your knees and do not touch mat between reps. Do a set on the left leg, then the right and so on without rest. For added resistance you.. MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of a large butt
How to get rid of my large legs and butt?
Work out. Do the basics: A few crunches. You can also lay down on your back, and lift both legs up at the same time. Do it repetatively. This will tighten your upper thighs. Also, get on all fours and lift your legs up, and stretch them all…
How large is Pluto?
smaller than earths moon.. i suggest googling pluto or in the spirit of this website go to wikipedia and type in pluto.. the answer is there.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how do youte rid of a large butt?
Q: What’s the best exercise for reducing the size of one’s rump, butt, whatever you want to call these larges sacks behind me?
A: I’m with Linda C, kick him to the curb. Actually, if you haven’t been exercising start walking at least 20 minutes if you can. Work up to 40 or more at least 3 days a week and six is better. You can’t target where to lose, but you will lose fat and it will eventually come off. Eat smaller but more frequent meals – 6 times a day if you can and that will help. (Reasonably healthy meals.) You didn’t get that way overnight, and you won’t be a size 2 in a week, but you can get there. Good luck, and don’t give up.
How do you get rid of large bulges of fat on the outer sides of thighs where the butt meets the leg?
Q: I have a pocket of fat that ranges from the sides of my thighs to the back where my butt meets my legs. It is very unattractive. I have tried EVERYTHING to get rid of it. Am I just fighting a lost cause against genetics and its determination of my fat distribution?I should also note that I am only about 118 pounds and I limit myself to three meals of no more than 300 calories a day, so I don’t think it’s a matter of diet. I just have abnormal fat distrubution.
A: Eat six small, healthy meals a day. Believe it or not that’ll help you loose weight.
I have a REALLY large butt and I hate it!! How do I get rid of it?
Q: I am 13 years old;My bum is HUGE compared to the rest of my body! i used to be a little bigger all over, but not fat, but i exersized jsut to get my but to normal size, and it stayed the same and the REST of my body got slimmer, so NOW its EVEN WORSE!! why doesn my butt get any smaller ever??
A: Serious bicycling will “shrink” anybody’s butt, BUT, this requires pedaling, minimal coasting, and if you have a 10-speed bicycle, always use a lower gear and pedal faster. This requires toe-clips or similar device on your pedals so that your feet are secure on the pedals while you pedal faster and faster. The recommended speed of pedaling is 90 revolutions-per-minute (rpm), which leaves faster pedaling for acceleration. Since you’re 13, I’m not sure of your exercise history, and, of course, your general health, but this will require a healthy heart which you will be making much healthier. Also, due to your age and possible height, you may not be able to maintain, or even reach the 90rpm recommended pedaling speed, but you understand that a higher rate of pedaling is the goal here. The colder season of the year is a more difficult time to achieve your goal, and so you might find greater success in the Spring and Summer months when you MUST learn to drink LOTS of water, or “pay-the-price” for not doing so. But, long periods of faster pedaling will begin to burn your fat reserves, and make your muscles better toned and leaner, so, you’ll notice a slimming down of your “backside”. I tell you this having ridden my racing and touring bicycles tens of thousands of miles for decades, and having ridden with many more people, male and female, and having kept up with the international bicycle racing sport. My recommendation may cost you a few bucks, especially if you buy your bike, as I strongly recommend, from a real bicycle shop and NOT from WalMart, KMart, and Target, for example. They sell tanks on two wheels which are NOT good for you. Earn some money, go buy a real good bicycle, like a Trek or such at a REAL bicycle shop, and pedal “around-the-world”. Your butt will be in such better shape that you’ll hardly ever be able to remember it as it is now. God Bless you.

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