How do you stretch out your area by your shoulder blade

How do you stretch out your area by your shoulder blade

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you stretch out your area by your shoulder blade”,you can compare them.

Push-ups are a great and effective way to stretch out the shoulders. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you stretch out your area by your shoulder blade
What causes a pain in the Shoulder Blade area?
Interestingly, but importantly, shoulder blade pain only rarely arises due to a problem with the shoulder blade. The shoulder blade is also called the scapula. True problems in the region of the scapula are rare and include bone disease suc…
How to Lose weight off shoulder blade area?
A few exercises that target the triceps, shoulders and back are push-ups and tricep dips. For push-ups you can start with three sets of 10, on your knees and advance to a military push-up as you become advanced. For the dips, facing away fr…
Did I pull a muscle in my shoulder (shoulder blade area)?
There’s no way to diagnose something like that online. You need a professional to look at it. I’m actually surprised the chiro couldn’t help you out there, the one’s I’ve known were usually pretty good with musculoskeletal problems. I have …

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Pain in my upper back/shoulder blade area (mainly my left) stretching to my upper chest (clavicle)?
Q: Started 2 years ago when lifting a heavy box. I was on Depo-Provera at the time if that helps or makes a differ. felt pain from left shoulder blade down my arm and slowly led to my left clavicle. Went to Chiropractor.. didn’t help. Had an MRI of my left shoulder for possible tear… nothing, Went 12 times to PT… still in pain.I hurt the most when I have worked a long day and then I relax on the couch or lay down. It hurts when I move my shoulders up and down (movement of my clavicle is the worst) Trying to get up is hard as well. Hopefully there is someone else who has this prob and can help me figure this out. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
A: GO TO An Orthopedic surgeon – or a neurologist – you may have a pinched nerve in you neck – sound like it could be in the C4-C6 region of your neck
I have a pain on my left shoulder blade, it hurts to the touch and when I stretch?
Q: It hurts like a bruise, but there is no bruise, redness, swelling, or anything to suggest trauma. It has been happening for about a week and started off with the area of pain being about the size of a marble now it is like a baseball.
A: Go to your doctor or a hospital right now if its that serious and get it looked at..
How can I get rid of a pinch in my shoulder blade?
Q: I was wiping down the kitchen cabinets when I suddenly got a pinch in my left shoulder blade. When I move my head to either side, I have pain down my neck into that area of my back. It’s been 24 hours and it just won’t loosen up. Are there any stretches I should try? I’ve tried heat, cold, advil etc.
A: I don’t know of any specific kind of stretches that can help the shoulder but am writing to give you the link to a site that may help you find more information. The link is at: http://physicaltherapy.about.comHowever, because this pain is still continuing to be an issue I would recommend seeing your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they say.

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