How much weight will i lose if i dont eat for a week

How much weight will i lose if i dont eat for a week

Health related question in topics Food Drink Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How much weight will i lose if i dont eat for a week”,you can compare them.

While how much weight you lose if you fast for 7 days is unclear, the link below can give you more information. Thanks, ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much weight will i lose if i dont eat for a week
How Much Weight Could I Lose, If I Dont Eat For A Week ??
You won’t lose any. Although the scale may say you have lost some after a few days, it isn’t fat. It’s fluid. When you starve yourself you liver releases about 5 pounds of fluid to help you survive. But your body will hold onto your fat sto…
How much weight will i lose if i dont eat for a week just drink w…?
Well u will lose weight but you wont have energy to do anything. You might lose 7 pounds then once you start eating you will regain them anyway. Best of luck
How much weight will i lose if i dont eat for two weeks??
about 20 pounds. HOWEVER. once you start eating it comes back really really really fast. I tried. Instead, make smoothies instead of meals. You’re at about 500 calories a day, and get alot of nutrients and arent miserable. Like banana straw…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much weight will i lose if i dont eat for a week?
Q: im 17200lbs work out occasionally like once-thrice a weekdont tell me shit like ‘oh dont do it ull die’ cause im already determined to do it and im just curious on how much i will lose(thats why im asking on here)also if you know the answer….how long can i live without food?
A: There is a rule of thumb for survival:3 minutes without air3 days without water3 weeks without food.Fasting is a daft, dangerous and usually ultimately unsuccessful way to try and lose weight.Here comes the only answer, no tricks, no pills, no short cuts, If you really want to lose weight, follow these instructions carefully:-1) Eat less2) Take regular vigorous exerciseRepeat 1 + 2 forever
if i dont eat and only drink water and green tea for about a week or two, will i lose weight and how much?
Q: I am going to try this out, but i want to know first if anyone knows if it will actually work or not for me.
A: Yes, but eventually it would stop because your body will adjust and go into a starvation mode. Anything taken in would be stored as fat, but I dont know how that would work with just liquids. I’m hoping you’re not planning on actually doing this, it would be incredibly dangerous.P.S. – You would lose almost any muscle mass you have on your body. Your body starts to cannibalize itself when it recognizes it needs energy, and muscles are the first place it will go aside from fat deposits.
How much weight will i lose if i dont eat for 3 days?
Q: please don’t tell me i will gain it all back i am in desperate need of losing weight and my sis starved her self for a week and lost a lot of weight and didn’t gain it back but on average how much will i lose if i stop eating for 3 days. oh and please don’t tell me about acid berry or whatever im 16 i cant order it and im 5’6 at 160 pounds
A: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but starving yourself for 3 days won’t make you lose much weight. And the weight that you DO lose will come back quickly. Here’s why; By starving yourself for 3 days, you are making your metabolism think that you are experiencing a famine. It will slow down to conserve energy, which means you aren’t burning nearly as many calories as usual. Therefore, you don’t burn calories,you don’t lose weight. Any weight that DOES come off will be water weight which comes back as soon as you start eating again.If you want to lose weight quickly, eat lots of protein(chicken breast without the skin, tofu, salmon, etc) and whole grains(no white bread products). Limit your carbs and sugars and excercise every other day. This willl help you start a new healthier lifestyle that will last much longer than a crash diet.

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