Is it ok to lift weights twice a day

Is it ok to lift weights twice a day

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it ok to lift weights twice a day”,you can compare them.

In weighlifting, more is not better; your body needs time to recover between lifting sessions; twice a day is not recommended. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it ok to lift weights twice a day
Is it ok to lift weights twice a day?
How about making your second session a run or a bike ride? Without a stout cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen and fuel, your pretty muscles are nothing but decoration.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it ok to lift weights twice a day?
Q: is ok to be lifting twice a day or should i do my workouts all at the same time
A: How about making your second session a run or a bike ride?Without a stout cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen and fuel, your pretty muscles are nothing but decoration.
Is it ok to work out twice a day?
Q: Im not talking about lifting weights or anything i mean like running and push ups and sit up, are they ok to do in the morning and at night?
A: Yea, that’s even better.
weight lifting twice a day. Legs morning/chest night?
Q: Veterans day my gym was freakin closed and now im behind. So i was wondering if it is ok for me to do a heavy leg workout in the morning, then comeback in the evening to do my chest. I mean i dont really see why not since they are 2 muscle groups that dont conflict with each other. but id like your guys’ opinion.
A: Lift once a day and alternate legs and chest to give your muscle groups a break every other day.

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