Is it possible to have a 10 pack abs

Is it possible to have a 10 pack abs

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I hear people talk the talk about 10 pack abs, but I’ve never seen them!50 cent (the rapper) is strutting a serious 8 pack,though! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to have a 10 pack abs
Can you get 10 pack abs?
Yes infact your body has 12 abs, so it is possible to go up to 12 pack Althought you need to be able to specifically train the 9th 10th 11th and 12th abdominals aswell as have them in your genetics, 10 and 12 packs are rare. usually alot of…
How does a 10 year old get 6 pack abs?
Eat right, exercise right. There’s no quick way to do it. You’ll look good, although your abs will look way better when puberty kicks in your serious muscle development at about age 13 -15.
Is there such a thing as 10 pack abs?
No. The maximum is 8 pack abs.

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