What if I’m a vegetarian and I can’t gain weight

What if I’m a vegetarian and I can’t gain weight

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Good vegetarian sources of protein include: cereals, nuts & seeds, Soya products (Soya milk, tofu, tempeh etc) and pulses. Milk, yoghurt, cheese, and free-range eggs are also excellent protein sources for the non-vegan. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-i%27m-a-vegetarian-and-i-can%27t-gain-weight ]
More Answers to “What if I’m a vegetarian and I can’t gain weight
How can I gain weight as a vegetarian?
Well, if your trying to gain muscle as opposed to overall body weight, you have to increase your calories, namely ones high in fat and protein. For us vegetarians it is hard finding these two foods together. Of course there are beans and ch…
How can I gain weight on a vegetarian diet?
There’s a myriad of us from skinny to obese. Vegetarians and vegans tend to be leaner than average omnivores. There’s no guarantee, of course. To gain weight, eating more of the healthier foods is all you have to do. Binging on vegetarian j…
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